13th Century Knights (makes 16)13th Century Knights (makes 16)
Item# RETEMB0000

What comes in the box
# of sprues SKU# Description
2 RETEMS0004 Weapon Assortment - 13th Century
2 RETEMS0002 Helm - 13th Century
1 RETEMS0007 Shields - 13th Century
1 RETEMS0003 Torso - surcoat over mail - 13th Century
2 RETEMS0001 Mail Arms - 13th Century
1 RETEMS0005 Legs with Surcoat - 13th Century
1 RETEMS0006 Legs with Surcoat - 13th Century
2 RETEAC0008 20mm bases
1 RETEMS0009 Shields - 12th/13th Century

Weapon Assortment - 13th Century
Weapon Assortment - 13th Century
Item# RETEMS0004
Helm - 13th Century
Helm - 13th Century
Item# RETEMS0002
Shields - 13th Century
Shields - 13th Century
Item# RETEMS0007
Torso surcoat over mail - 13th Century
Torso surcoat over mail - 13th Century
Item# RETEMS0003
Mail Arms - 13th Century
Mail Arms - 13th Century
Item# RETEMS0001
Legs with Surcoat - 13th Century
Legs with Surcoat - 13th Century
Item# RETEMS0005
Legs with Surcoat - 13th Century
Legs with Surcoat - 13th Century
Item# RETEMS0006
20 mm bases (x2)
20 mm bases (x2)
Item# RETAC0008
Shields - 12th/13th Century
Shields - 12th/13th Century
Item# RETEMS0009